Mullingar Town Band returns in full
The members and committee of Mullingar Town Band, like many, were glad to see lockdown restrictions begin to lift at the end of June.
Lockdown and band practice do not go hand in hand. Music rehearsal online becomes ‘it’s my turn to play, now it’s your turn’ – an odd experience for ensemble musicians, and trying times in the world of banding.
On the plus side, the members of the band kept in contact weekly on Zoom and took part in virtual band table quizzes, kahoot games and began smaller group music sessions such as quartets and trios – some virtual and some awaiting the bands return.
The band even completed its annual sponsored cycle from members’ own homes.
When restrictions began to lift, it gave an opportunity for band director Kim Magee and chairperson Patricia Magee to get back and continue piecing the refurbished hall back together and have it ready in anticipation of the return of the musicians.
The fundraising calendar to match-fund the generous bandhall refurbishment grant from LEADER last year also took a hit, which is worrying after taking on a refurbishment project of that magnitude.
“We look forward to getting back on board and rescheduling this calendar as soon as it is safe to do so,” said Kim.
While music was still taking place in members’ homes, the bingo committee members reinvented the weekly game and were able to take bingo into our players’ homes online.
This took tremendous creativity and time but it delighted the regular players (visit the MTB website,, to find out more).
The band missed out on a lot of planned events from March due to the pandemic, including St Patrick’s Day, the highlight of the year.
All band activity, competitions, performances are cancelled for the foreseeable future, though some of our members were able to participate in virtual performances and activities planned by national and international organisations.
Since last week band activities have begun to resume in small sectional rehearsals.
“Hearing the bandhall filled with music again was uplifting,” said Kim.
“The band returned in full for the first time today (Friday July 10). The refurbished bandhall allows ample room to fit our full band with more than enough room for social distancing.
“We are extremely fortunate. One of the events we had to postpone was the official launch of our new bandhall, which had been scheduled for the end of May – however, we are glad to say that we have rescheduled for the afternoon of Friday July 24.”
That afternoon and the following Saturday morning, the bandhall will be open to the public for viewing, with Covid compliance in place. Times are on the MTB Facebook page.
“This is our way of saying thanks to everyone for all your support to date,” said Kim.
“The band will be playing somewhere in town over the next two Saturdays at 2pm (Covid compliance in place), and the venues will be announced on Facebook.
“The members and committee of Mullingar Town Band wish all the people of Mullingar good health and best wishes.
“Thank you once again for your continued support.”