Smyth highlights 'obstacles' faced by people with disabilities

(Above) Cllr Hazel Smyth.

Westmeath County Council is supporting a national initiative to raise awareness about the obstacles that people with disabilities face during their day to day lives.

At the July meeting of Westmeath County Council, Cllr Hazel Smyth submitted a motion calling on the council to support the Disability Federation of Ireland's annual Make Way Day initiative by raising awareness about the issues faced by people with disabilities. This year Make Way Day is taking place on September 25.

The Green Party representative also suggested that the council appoint an “ongoing coordinator” to liaise with the Make Way Day national coordinator “to champion the rights and needs of people with disabilities in Westmeath”.

The appointment would be “recognition that people with disabilities have the same right to use and enjoy public spaces and services as everyone else, as well as acknowledging the obstacles that people with disabilities face in their lives due to ill-placed hazards or thoughtlessness”

She said that obstructions such as bins, sandwich boards and vehicles parking on footpaths present huge difficulties for those with mobility concerns. She also asked the council to have some form of award ceremony on Make Way Day to recognise “those in our community who have been leaders in disability inclusion”.

Cllr Smyth added that the council should organise a public meeting “between those in the business community, public representatives and those people with disabilities from within our community to discuss ongoing issues and areas for improvement”.

She said that “a major issue” that has been raised a number of times with her was the need for assistive technology in public spaces, such as adaptive keyboards in the public library.

Cllr Louise Heavin voiced her support for the motion, noting that there was a need for all public representatives and members of the public to use social media on Make Way Day to show the obstructions that exist for those with disabilities.

Cllr Tom Farrell noted that this issue should be added as a matter for the Planning Strategic Policy Committee to consider more broadly and Cllr Aoife Davitt noted that it would be worthwhile linking in with sports club within Westmeath on this too.

The council has become the 16th local authority to sign up to participate in Make Way Day, which is being held on September 25 this year.

According to its website, Make Way Day is a “ is a campaign that brings the disability and wider community together to consider the needs of people with disabilities in the public spaces we all share”.

The Disability Federation of Ireland led initiative has identified a “terrible top three” of obstacles that stop people with disabilities in their tracks: cars parked on footpaths, bicycles illegally parked and bins left of footpaths.