Westmeath student awarded travel scholarship to britain and the us
Michael Cox from Rathowen, a third year student of agricultural science in UCD, has been awarded a scholarship by the Agricultural Science Association (ASA) to help him complete the work experience element of his course overseas.
He is just one of four recipients nationally of the prestigious scholarships, which are sponsored by AIB.
Michael, who is specialising in animal science, is travelling to Britain, where he will work on intensive dairy and beef farms in Scotland and England. He is also undertaking an internship in animal genetics in the US.
Congratulating Michael on his achievement, ASA president Eoin Lowry said the scholarships are aimed at encouraging students to gain experience of the global agri-food industry.
“Competition for these scholarships was intense and Michael is a worthy winner. I am confident he will benefit both personally and professionally from his time abroad,” he said.
Shane Whelan, on behalf of scholarship sponsors AIB, said he was confident the skills, expertise and knowledge developed by Michael during his assignment will be of benefit long after his college experience has ended.