Tóibín slams government over 'betrayal' of hospitality sector

The government has been accused by Aontú Leader & Meath West D Peadar Tóibín of outsourcing its decision-making to NPHET, in the wake of today's announcement that the reopening of indoor dining is to be delayed to at least July 19.

Deputy Tóibín slammed the government for what he described as its “eleventh hour betrayal” of pubs and restaurants, and warned that two week delay will cost the sector 25 per cent of its peak staycation revenue.

“This is an absolute disgrace,” he said, adding that Ireland is alone in all of Europe in the banning of indoor dining and drinking.

“Many of these pubs and restaurants are closed for over 430 days. They are closed longer than their counterparts in any other European country.

“Tens of thousands of hospitality staff are out of work. Many are being pushed into poverty and debt.

“Many businesses are in a Zombie state, depending on Government supports to survive.”

Deputy Tóibín said that aviation and tourism are also suffering because of the government’s refusal to embrace rapid antigen testing.

“FF/FG/Greens have provided no scientific evidence to indicate that indoor dining in Ireland is more dangerous than anywhere else in Europe.

“The government confirmed there was no independent analysis of NPHET modelling projections. Leo Varadkar himself stated that there was no science behind the reopening of Hotel indoor dining and pubs and restaurants being closed for indoor dining. Ireland has a history of at times being inward looking and insular. It is jaw drawing that the government is making these decisions with no reference to scientific approach of every other country. The Government are scared of making a decision”.