Cycling Ireland launches IT’S NOT A RACE* campaign

Cycling Ireland has launched its new Women in Sport campaign, IT’S NOT A RACE*, to coincide with Women in Sport week, running this week.

The campaign celebrates the many female cyclists who actively participate in cycling across its many forms. As importantly, it celebrates the many reasons why women and girls cycle. And yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s not always a race!

The campaign manifesto tells the story of the women and girls who appear in the campaign – from the advocates who are promoting cycling in their communities to national champions Lara Gillespie and Orla Walsh, to Katie Turner, Lucy McClintock and Summer Glynn, who are taking the cycling community by storm at a young age.

Over the coming weeks and months, Cycling Ireland will be sharing the unique cycling stories of these wonderful ambassadors across social media, video, print and broadcast.

For those who are inspired by the stories or simply curious about the cycling opportunities available to them, the team at Cycling Ireland, led by Women in Sport officer Elaine Cahill, will be happy to help anyone looking to find their way in Irish cycling.

Commented Elaine: “We are so excited to launch this new Women in Sport campaign. Research carried out by Repucon on behalf of Cycling Ireland showed the biggest factors limiting female participation were ‘lack of confidence’ (32%) and ‘perception of exclusivity’ (23%), with the top benefit of cycling being ‘social aspects and interaction’ at 38%.

“The campaign is all about communicating the different cycling opportunities which are available, that it doesn’t always have to be a race, you don’t have to be head to toe in lycra or have to have the best and fastest bike, but it can be too!

“The manifesto captures so much of what cycling is and can be and I hope it resonates with a lot of people and encourages them to get back on their bike or choose the bike as a mode of transport, when possible, perhaps learn to cycle or even try a new discipline.

“I am looking forward to seeing this campaign grow over the coming weeks and months. A special thank you to Sport Ireland for funding the Women in Sport initiative; without them this would not be possible.”

Cycling Ireland CEO Matt McKerrow added: “Cycling Ireland is delighted to be launching IT'S NOT A RACE* during Women in Sport Week. This new campaign will build on our previous Women in Sport campaign, Bike Like Me, and aims to inspire more women and girls to get into cycling by sharing the unique stories of our ambassadors.

“We are extremely grateful to Sport Ireland for funding this initiative and we look forward to welcoming new and returning women and girls into cycling in its many forms.”

This campaign has been developed based on research carried out by Repucon on behalf of Cycling Ireland and through speaking with advocates for women's cycling and female members of the cycling community. Find out more at