Westmeath estates on property tax waiver list
Thirteen local unfinished estates have been included in the property tax waiver list.
Mullingar's Gleann Petite and Rathgowan developments are amongst the local contingent included on the list of 421 unfinished estates released by the Department of the Environment.
The number of Westmeath estates where homeowners are exempt from paying the unpopular tax is significantly less than the 23 included in the household charge waiver list released last year. Amongst the ten new estates brought into the payment net this time around are Killucan Manor in Killucan and Greenpark Meadows in Mullingar.
According to the the department's estimates, 5,100 households are exempt from the tax compared to the 43,000 that weren't obliged to pay the household charge last.
Minister Phil Hogan says that reduction in exemptions reflect the progress being made "in tackling" the country's unfinished estates.
" I would urge people not to assume that just because they were eligible for a waiver from the household charge they will be eligible for an exemption from the local property tax. The list has changed substantially reflecting the improvements made by local authorities in resolving problems in unfinished housing developments.
Exempt Westmeath estates
An Fionnan
Coill Ur
Clois na Coille
Rathgarve Green
The Paddock.
Cloon Lara
Gleann Pettit
Rathgowan Park
Cluain Lorcain
Cluain Milain
Raistin Court
Ivy Court
Whitecroft Court