Green Party convention focuses on delivery - Smyth
The Green Party’s annual convention in Athlone served as a reminder of how effective the party has been in Government, according to Cllr Hazel Smyth (Mayor of Mullingar-Kinnegad Municipal District), who attended the event last weekend.
“It was wonderful to welcome Green Party colleagues from all over the country to Westmeath and to engage in important, meaningful discussions on the key enormous challenges facing Irish people today.
“When we reflect on the achievements of the Greens in government to date, there have been many encouraging measures introduced in terms of active travel, childcare, renewable energy, etc.
“We have a small but strong team, and I left our convention feeling even more energised about what we can get done to better help and support Irish people and the environment we depend on to survive. It was brilliant to have Mullingar band, the M4s at the convention who had the dancefloor filled all night," she said.
In his televised leaders’ speech, Green Party leader, Eamon Ryan pointed to the plan to have solar panels on every school roof in the country and the 25 per cent average reduction in childcare fees from this January.
“We are proud to be the party that offers lasting solutions to this country’s problems rather than shallow, quick-fixes that set our country back even more," he told the assembled gathering, adding that the Irish public is growing wise to the opposition’s attempts to paint themselves as environmentally conscious.
“You don’t overcome generations of environmental neglect by making sympathetic comments. You don’t cut emissions just by tweeting about it. The Irish people have had enough of greenwashing,” he said.
Green Party Deputy Leader Catherine Martin said the Green Party in government has continued to ensure our most vulnerable are supported in times of crisis;
“We deliver long lasting meaningful differences to people’s lives. This brings hope but also helps steer communities on a totally new path. And it is real progress, not the empty rhetoric that others may use, that defines the Green Party in government."