The Bun Daire estate in Kinnegad.

Kinnegad residents 'can't take any more'

Something needs to be done to tackle anti-social behaviour in the Bun Daire estate in Kinnegad, according to concerned residents. “Windows were smashed in a house recently, at 11pm, and two weeks before two other houses had windows smashed in them,” a resident, who asked that their name not published, told the Westmeath Examiner.

Critical of what they see as a council failure to address the issue, they said people in the estate have had to endure anti-social behaviour from a small minority for years.

“This has been ongoing for a while. One girl left [because of it], residents can’t put up with it. The council want nothing to do with it, once they get their rent, that’s all they care about.

“There are a lot of decent people living here and we can’t put up with this behaviour any longer. There is shouting and screaming all hours of the night, drinking and drug taking.”

The resident said they and their neighbours have contacted the council on numerous occasions. “If Westmeath County Council actually came out here and spent a night or two, they’d know what it’s like. It’s only three or four houses, all of the rest of us are decent, hardworking people.

“It’s not right that we have to put up with this,” they said.

Cllr Denis Leonard told the Westmeath Examiner that the council has to address any problems in Bun Daire.

“The vast majority of people living in Bun Daire are law abiding and very community-minded. There is a great residents association that works hard to keep their place in pristine conditions, including the green areas and have been working with Westmeath Community Development to improve facilities in the estate even more.

“However, there is a small minority who do not take part in the residents group and who do not help them in their cause. It’s important that the council deal with those people so that the residents who want to live in peace and harmony have every chance to do it.”

The Westmeath Examiner contacted Westmeath County Council for a comment, but at the time of writing had not received one.