Irish citizens impacted by Rhodes wildfires

James Cox

The Department of Foreign Affairs is advising Irish citizens in Rhodes to be alert and stay away from areas affected by wildfires.

A spokesperson said the Department has been contacted by a number of Irish citizens impacted by the fires.

They also said that anyone planning to travel to the island should check with their travel operator or hotel to see if the area they are planning to travel to is impacted by the wildfires.

Thirty thousand people have been moved to safety on Rhodes.

Amy Leyden was on holiday with her family when they were told to evacuate overnight,

Ms Leyden told Newstalk: "The police ran into our hotel and said 'you need to go now, you're not going to make it'. It was just terrifying.

"We've got our 11-year-old daughter with us and we were walking down the road at 2am and I didn't think we were going to make it."