Collinstown hosts Headshave for AWARE

The Maypole Public House, Collinstown was the place to be on the night of Saturday December 27th, 2008 as it was the host venue for a exercise in the art of headshaving, the proceeds of which was donated to AWARE.The national organisation that help individuals to cope with depression as well as helping with the understanding of depression.The two gentlemen who volunteered to play the role of guinea pigs on the night and therefore undergo a hairstyle transformation are named Gerry Storey and David Kelly.The lady who carried out the magical work of transforming the hairstyles of the two said gentlemen, is professional hairdresser Agnes McGrath, a resident and native of Delvin.Needless to state in this article, there was a large number of general members of the public in attendance to watch both Gerry and David undergo their respective transformations.Photographs were taken both with Cameras and mobile telephones with mirth and laughter very much to the fore, especially when David Kelly was undergoing his headshaving operation. The sandwiches prepared by Mary Carroll and Sheila Carroll were very much appreciated by the attending patrons on the night. Many thanks to Nolan Sound, Castlepollard for their help and co-operation to the owners of the Maypole, Collinstown for the use of their premises.There was also a raffle on the night, that was very well supported. Many thanks to all persons who donated prizes to the raffle. Many thanks to Colin Kennedy, Jamie Nolan and Michelle Murtagh who sold raffle tickets on the night. A special and sincere word of warm thanks goes to Gerry Storey for volunteering to receive a headshave for such a worthy cause as AWARE. David Kelly is also thanked for his contribution. A sum of money in excess of £1,200 was raised for AWARE on the night. In conclusion, many thanks to all members of the general public who supported this fund-raising venture.