INKLINGS: Poems by Laura

By Laura Gahan

Holding the pen

I sit here and write,

Grasping the pen between my fingers so tight.

Afraid I will write some shite

But when I don’t try,

It all comes to the mind's imaginary eye

A lot of images speeding by.


I think of all the things that make me care,

And some things without, life would be unfair

I go into a deep stare.

Like a trance, inside my mind is having a dance,

Breathing in the fresh air,

Loving not having to go far,

To have nature at my backyard,

Having a house with a family to share,

Without them l would not bear.


I really do believe in manifestation,

It really is in the mind's creation,

That gives us a beautiful imagination


So when you’re stuck in frustration

Or feeling an irritation,

Remember your mind is your life’s creation.


There’s no place like home

Feeling safe this is our base

And it’s our favourite place,

Where my dog can roam,

And be free on our own.

It’s our beginning and end to each day,

It’s our space where we plant and grow,

You can be silly and free,

Don’t you agree?

This is my nest. Where I go for a rest,

Where no one will ever see me as a pest.

Simple Things

The simple things in life are free

Enjoying each day. Letting it be.

Waking up each day to enjoy a full cup of tea.

Stepping out into the garden, being able to see the big beautiful trees.

Feeling the heat of the sun on my skin making me feel at ease.

Enjoying a gentle breeze.

Listening to the sound of tweeting birds and buzzing bees.


How lucky am I? To see such beauty all around and to breathe that fresh air with my two feet on the ground.

There is nothing better being able to hear the sound,

Of nature’s creativity all around.

Summer Rain

It feels like it’s raining since May

Today, so dull and grey

Pouring RAIN.

I hear it gush down the drain,

While the wind whistles and roars through the trees

Great to sit still while it spills,

Having nowhere to be,

Making it more of an appeal.

All the flowers so full and wet,

Stopping them from death.

Falling from the sky.

It helps us all to survive.

I look at it. Feeling so lucky to be alive.


It doesn’t cost a pound to hear the sound of the hollow woodland ground,

Or to go watch a river flow,

Watching the water sparkle and glow.

Seeing all of nature grow,

It really does make your mind blow.


I don’t need to live life like a royal.

I’m happy with my feet in the soil,

Using nature as my floor tile and water from the river to boil on top of my fire pile.

Beside me, I’ll have my dog that is so loyal.

There is no one to dial and no-one for miles.

That’s my style.


I love getting all Zen

And to pick up a pen.

Writing while I watch nature and stars through my lens.

Spending time alone and with friends.

It can really make you feel amend.

You never have to follow a trend so you can enjoy a weekend.

Sometimes life is better with a blend.

Laura Gahan is a member of Inklings Writing Group, who meet on Tuesdays at 10.30am in the Annebrook House Hotel.