Over 230 in emergency accommodation in midlands
There were 168 adults and 65 children accessing local authority managed emergency accommodation in the midlands in November.
The most recent homeless figures published by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage show that nationally there were 13,514 people in emergency accommodation, between November 20 and 26.
Of that figure 9,409 were adults and 4,105 were children.
In the Midlands area, a breakdown of the 168 adults in emergency accommodation shows that 68 were in Westmeath, 53 in Offaly, 32 in Laois and 15 in Longford.
There was no county breakdown provided of the 65 children in emergency accommodation in the midlands.
Nationally, 56% of those in emergency accommodation in the week concerned were Irish citizens, 23% were citizens of the European Economic Area or the UK and 21% were non-European Economic Area citizens.