LE Candidates Q&A: Margaret Maguire (Ireland First)

Mullingar LEA

1. Tell us a little about yourself

I'm a Mullingar native, mother of two, businesswoman and vice-president of Ireland First. We believe in putting the Irish people first in Ireland.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I got involved in politics because I saw the deep disconnect between the politicians and the people that they are paid to, and should, represent. Ireland is our home and we need to mind it for future generations.

3. What are the big issues in your area?

The big issues for me are housing, services, and immigration, particularly the issue of non-nationals being housed within months of landing in the country, while local people sit on the housing list for years. This is being done without consent. I also feel that we are going very quickly from a high trust society to increased crime and anti-social behaviour. There are no immediate mental health or homeless services in the area, and the vital work that was done with vulnerable groups in the barracks has been taken away. The barracks belongs to the people of Mullingar.

4. Who is your role model?

We're spoilt for choice regarding role models in Ireland. Many people gave their lives so that we could have the freedom we currently enjoy. If I had to pick one, it would of course be Michael Collins, a strategic genius.

5. What are your hobbies?

Swimming and gardening, although I do neither as much as I'd like to.

6. Tells us one thing people will be surprised to read about you

I did a complete life change in my 40s. I went from childless and career driven, to mother of two, lastminute.com!