Alfie Devine.

LE Candidates Q&A: Alfie Devine (FF)

Kinnegad LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

am from Castlepollard and come from a family of 12 children. I am married to Nicola and we have two children of our own and one fostered.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I got involved in politics because I enjoy solving local issues that people may have and through my job in construction, I have a good insight into planning processes and generally dealing with the county council.

I have been involved in the past with our local councillors on housing and planning issues and really enjoy getting stuck in to projects.

3. What are the big issues?

The most pressing issue in our area is housing, both social and affordable. Our young people are being priced out of the market and we need to build more housing which will in turn reduce the cost.

4. Who is your role model?

My roll models are my parents, who reared 12 children in hard times and how they worked so hard to give us the happiest and most contented childhood. My father got us involved in hurling at a very early age and the sport gave me a grounding that has stood with me throughout my life.

5. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy outdoor sports, cycling, swimming and have run three marathons in the past few years. I also referee hurling and football at all levels and was on the national panel of hurling referees for three years.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

My wife Nicola and I have been fostering children for the last 15 years and we have helped lots of children in that time. Our foster daughter Alexi has been with us for the last eight years.