Anthonia Izekor.

LE Candidates Q&A: Anthonia Izekor (FG)

Kinnegad LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

Born in Sierra Leone, I came to Ireland as a teenager more than 22 years ago. I went to school here, including university, and became a registered teacher with expertise in Social Science, Psychology and Human Resources Strategies. I'm married with five children. I have actively worked to address local concerns and issues in the community.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I had always been passionate about Irish politics, starting when I was in university. I had a great lecturer who really spiked my interest in politics and to make a difference in politics.

3. What are the big issues?

Better community facilities and playgrounds; not enough garda presence in Kinnegad garda station; supporting our local business community; improving our public space and amenities.

4. Who is your role model?

Nelson Mandela.

5. What are your hobbies?

Soccer, basketball, reading, travelling, meeting friends, family and volunteering work.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

I am a young mother with five children, who went back to university while raising children, working and being involved in many voluntary activities.

I am a positive-minded person who sees the best in everyone.