Back from left, Mary Reilly, Eithne Hannon, Sandra Smith, Alma Murray, Edna Blake; (front) Julia Smith, Muriel Flynn, Martina Walsh, Hilary Maye, and Mary McCormack.

NMCU pays out €170k to local voluntary organisations

The Social and Cultural Committee of North Midlands Credit Union (NMCU) has held its annual event to present awards to some of the local voluntary organisations that it supported this year.

The Social and Cultural Fund is approved by the board of directors to give recognition and financial support to voluntary organisations that make a valuable contribution to the quality of life in the community.

This funding initiative is now in its 26th year and to date has provided some €2.3 million. This year the fund increased to €170,000 and more than 280 organisations applied for funding.

These groups provide support work in areas including social, cultural, community development, the disability and age active sector, youth activities and sporting organisations.

Brian Gillen, chairperson of the Social and Cultural Committee of NMCU, spoke at the presentation night which was held recently in the Mullingar offices. He paid tribute to the many volunteers and their respective organisations for their commitment and ongoing valuable work in the community.

He said it was fitting that the credit union as a voluntary led organisation should recognise and financially support the work of other voluntary organisations where possible.