Remember this Guinness ad? A new documentary is being made about the iconic pint settling dance and the actor who starred in it

The music was unforgettable as was the dancing. The Guinness 'Anticipation' ad is 30 years old, yes 30 years old, and a production team are researching a documentary on Joe McKinney, the actor made famous overnight in 1994 thanks to THAT TV ad.

Here’s a reminder:

Erik Clancy of Document Films says his team are are working on a documentary about Joe, the making of the ad, his experiences of that time and the impact it had on his life and career when everything died down.

"We are reaching out to see if you could ask if your readers have any particular memories or stories of the whole craze that swept the nation way back in 1994? We’d love to hear their memories of the ad and that time."

"Readers can send their stories directly to us at

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